Daisy Basket Plaster Class 手捏小雛菊花籃擴香石工作坊
Service Description
擴香植物盤栽以石膏作為擴香原材料,能夠持久地釋放香氛,讓室內空間長時間保持宜人的香味,而不需要定期更換或補充。 相比於蠟燭或香薰燈等需要火焰的香氛產品,擴香石是一種無火焰的選擇,使用上更加安全,不會引起火災風險,也不需要監督。 擴香掛牌使用上非常簡單,只需將擴香石放置在合適的位置,它就能自行釋放香氛,不需要額外的操作或維護。 盆栽適用於各種室內空間,如家庭、辦公室、商店等。它們可以放置在櫃檯、書架、浴室等地方,為空間增添香氛,提升氛圍。 可以根據個人喜好調整香氛的濃度,達到理想的香味效果。 無需電力:擴香石不需要電力供應,不需要插座或電池,因此更加節能環保

Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
All services rendered by the Company are scheduled and provided on a non-refundable basis. Please be advised that cancellations made up to 24 hours before a scheduled appointment via email, log-in schedule in website, or phone call will be processed without a penalty. Cancellations made 24 hours or less before an appointment (except unexpected health & weather condition) or NO-SHOW will be subject to a charge of HKD300 of rescheduling fee. Re-scheduling is subject to availability and must be completed within three calendar months.
Contact Details
Peace be Natural Artisan Soap Studio, Lockhart Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong