韓國KDCA Perfume Class 天然精油香氛香水證書課程
Service Description
韓國 KDCA Perfume Class 天然精油香氛香水證書課程 課堂中親手製作3款專屬自己的天然精油香水,讓你成為獨一無二的調香師! 課程使用 100%純天然單方精油 課程只需3-4小時即可上完(視乎進度),完成課程後可獲證由韓國KDCA協會頒發證書,證書三週後會從韓國寄出。 取得證書後,可以開班授課並為學生申請證書。 硏發自家品牌香水作品作商業銷售,創立自家品牌產品,為創業及移民鋪路。 此課程適合無芳療及調香經驗人仕,初學者也可參加 對運用天然精油及製作香水有興趣的朋友 有意投身調香導師行列以及創辦自家品牌人仕 計劃移民或創業人士 希望需要利用天然精油減壓人士 課程費用$2800 已包括筆記及証書$500
Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
All services rendered by the Company are scheduled and provided on a non-refundable basis. Please be advised that cancellations made up to 24 hours before a scheduled appointment via email, log-in schedule in website, or phone call will be processed without a penalty. Cancellations made 24 hours or less before an appointment (except unexpected health & weather condition) or NO-SHOW will be subject to a charge of HKD300 of rescheduling fee. Re-scheduling is subject to availability and must be completed within three calendar months.
Contact Details
Peace be Natural Artisan Soap Studio, Lockhart Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong