証書考試. 筆試、液體皂及冷製皂考試
Service Description
考試 - 冷製皂 及 液態皂 (600&500g) 半小時內完全兩條指定配方 半小時內完成指定液體皂製作 配方考量評核 考試即場評語分享 2小時內完成指定技巧渲染手工皂 考試日期可按同學準備妥當才安排,當中可預約到工作室以成本價作練習,以最後一次工作室為準為期1個月內完成考試,不幸未能考試合格,須以成本價重考。
Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
All services rendered by the Company are scheduled and provided on a non-refundable basis. Please be advised that cancellations made up to 24 hours before a scheduled appointment via email, log-in schedule in website, or phone call will be processed without a penalty. Cancellations made 24 hours or less before an appointment (except unexpected health & weather condition) or NO-SHOW will be subject to a charge of HKD300 of rescheduling fee. Re-scheduling is subject to availability and must be completed within three calendar months.
Contact Details
Peace be Natural Artisan Soap Studio, Lockhart Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong