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Little Soaper Bath Play 5 小皂師課堂 - 沐浴遊戲品

環保 x 科學 x 藝術 小先鋒 大集合! 天然、環保、用心的製作,作為禮物或自用,都是愛的承傳。

480 Hong Kong dollars
Wanchai Studio

Service Description

Little Soaper CP Soap 小皂師課堂 - 沐浴遊戲品 課堂內容包括: ▫️愛護海洋意識 加強環保意識 ▫️小科學原理及化學作用概念 ▫️美學訓練及藝術感培養達成 每課實務成品包括: ▪️皂蠟筆 Soap Crayon ▪️天然鬼口水 Bubble Slime ▪️Q彈啫喱皂 Fluffy Soap 分為兩組課堂報名: ✅3-8歲親子班 ✅9-14歲兒童班 每節2小時 自選指定單堂分開報讀 $480 完成4節課亦可獲取小皂師証書 小班教學 彈性預約 二人同行9折優惠 歡迎查詢🔍 COUPON CODE: "2MATESJOY" - for booking with two(2) participants joining the same class session together at the same time "PARTY15" - for booking with four(4) participants joining the same class session together at the same time We offer discount with Coupon Code. If you use the coupon code without fulfilling the given criteria to enjoy the discount via online payment, the payment difference or outstanding fee is assumed to be settled via offline method before the class to be delivered. Peace be Natural will only deliver service when the payment is full settled before the class for the protection of our availability of classes to other students. 如果您有多個參與者,您可以在課程設置時使用優惠券代碼通過在線支付獲得折扣。 優惠券代碼: “2MATESJOY”- 用於預訂兩名參與者同時參加同一堂課 “PARTY15” - 用於預訂四名參與者同時參加同一堂課 我們使用優惠券代碼提供折扣。如果您使用優惠券代碼但未滿足給定條件而通過在線支付享受折扣,則假定付款差額或未付費用在課程交付前通過線下方式結算。 Peace be Natural 僅在課程前全額付款後才會提供服務,以保障我們對其他學生的可報讀的名額。

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

All services rendered by the Company are scheduled and provided on a non-refundable basis. Please be advised that cancellations made up to 24 hours before a scheduled appointment via email, log-in schedule in website, or phone call will be processed without a penalty. Cancellations made 24 hours or less before an appointment (except unexpected health & weather condition) or NO-SHOW will be subject to a charge of HKD300 of rescheduling fee. Re-scheduling is subject to availability and must be completed within three calendar months.

Contact Details

  • Peace be Natural Artisan Soap Studio, Lockhart Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong


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